Simon Sinek’s mission is to help people wake up every day inspired to go to work and return home every night fulfilled by their work. In this video, he helps us understand, in simple terms, the biology of trust and cooperation and why they’re essential to our success and fulfillment.
“The choice to be a leader has significant risks and often requires a sacrifice. Leadership has nothing to do with rank. Leadership has to do with choice. They have chosen to look after the person to the left of them, they have chosen to look after the person to the right of them. It doesn’t always means they have to sacrifice their interests, but when it really counts, sometimes they choose to do it. This is what leadership is.
We expect the person who is stronger, smarter, a better fit, to rush towards the danger to protect those under his care. But you don’t have to be a leader. It’s a choice.
If you don’t like the costs of leadership, don’t expect the perks of leadership. This is the reason why we are so viscerally offended by those who violates the definition of leadership. They have accepted all the bonus, perks and benefits of being a ‘leader’ and, when push comes to shove, they are not willing to make any sacrifices for the role they have accepted.”