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Software development is a fascinating activity, but I believe that the source code is mostly a reflection of the people, environment, culture and organizational dynamics behind them. Over the years, I have accumulated some leadership, management, human resources and software development techniques, resources and best practices. This is my latest attempt to organise, store and be able to talk about and reference some of this data.
By that, I mean that this site will have opinions, links, courses and other resources about:
>>> In performance
I’m creating some images to explain the career planning, coaching and related activities and decided to share them.
>>> In leadership
Simon Sinek’s mission is to help people wake up every day inspired to go to work and return home every night fulfilled by their work. In this video, he helps us understand, in simple terms, the biology of trust and cooperation and why they’re essential to our success and fulfillment.
>>> In recruiting
“Welcome to our web developer interview. In Django, which of the following isn’t an attribute of HttpRequest?
A) method
E) None of the aboveYou have 60 seconds!”
>>> In training
In a previous post, I talked about what’s Flipped Classrom and why it is important to use it in corporate trainings. In this post, I offer a couple more references and tips on Flipped Trainning:
>>> In performance
Performance Management consists of a system or process whereby:
(Last update: December 9, 2016)